EDP Sciences joined the UN SDG Publishers Compact in 2022.
Since it was launched in 2020 in collaboration with the International Publishers Association, the SDG Publishers Compact has helped to focus the minds and work of publishers on the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“Signatories aspire to develop sustainable practices and act as champions of the SDGs during the Decade of Action (2020-2030), publishing books and journals that will help inform, develop, and inspire action in that direction.” (SDG Publishers Compact)
Like all signatories, we have committed to ten points which help to support the seventeen SDGs, including “2. Actively promoting and acquiring content that advocates for themes represented by the SDGs, such as equality, sustainability, justice and safeguarding and strengthening the environment.”
EDP Sciences is pleased to offer a comprehensive portfolio of books, journals and conference proceedings in these areas many of which are open access.
How EDP Sciences supports the SDG Publishers Compact
- By supporting open access and open science
- By supporting initiatives, such as Research4Life, that reduce inequalities and promote quality education
- By taking steps to reduce our environmental impact
- By raising awareness via our publishing partners and staff members
How our journals support the SDG Publishers Compact
As an open access publisher, a lot of the work we do with our journals is around open access and we feel this is the most important work we can do in relation to the SDGs. We are proud that many of our journals have been awarded the DOAJ Seal “for best practice in open access publishing”.
We advocate for equitable open access models that are free to both readers and authors, such as Diamond Open Access and Subscribe to Open (S2O). Our advocacy for these models is in line with the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science which will play a key role in helping to achieve the SDGs.
Several journals have already pledged their commitment to the SDGs including:

Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability
“REES promotes and supports papers and special issues that contribute to the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).”

Sustainable Buildings
“Sustainable Buildings promotes and supports papers and special issues that contribute to the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).”

EPJ Photovoltaics
“EPJ Photovoltaics promotes and supports papers and special issues that contribute to the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).” It is happy to waive publication fees for selected special issues deemed important to this commitment.
Consider publishing your SDG-related content in these journals. Instructions for authors are available via the individual websites.
EDP Sciences: UN SDGs research collection via ScienceOpen
We are pleased to work with ScienceOpen to curate and present research and content related to the SDGs and enable easy access to relevant articles, special issues, books and conference proceedings.

Browse the EDP Sciences: UN SDGs research collection on ScienceOpen.
How our books support the SDG Publishers Compact
We publish a broad range of books in English and French on energy, the environment, earth sciences and other subjects related to the SDGs. Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals (2021): China, for example, showcases the innovative practice of applying Big Earth Data to the monitoring and evaluating indicators for six SDGs.
Browse the Sustainable Development Goals books collection.

We also offer EDP Open Books - a comprehensive open access publishing solution.
How our conference proceedings support the SDG Publishers Compact
Our Web of Conferences journals are all open access and publish peer-reviewed proceedings in many of the key subject areas that play a part in the SDGs. Proceedings often present the very latest research findings and provide useful insights and early indicators for anyone involved in policy making.

E3S Web of Conferences - Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences
E3S Web of conferences publishes proceedings with a focus on soil sciences, hydrology, oceanography, climatology, geology, geography, energy engineering (production, distribution and storage), renewable energy, sustainable development, natural resources management and environmental health.
Browse The 3rd Edition of Oriental Days for the Environment “Green Lab. Solution for Sustainable Development” – Volume 364 (2023) for a flavour of proceedings published in E3S Web of Conferences.

BIO Web of Conferences - Biology, Life Sciences and Health
BIO Web of Conferences publishes proceedings dealing with all fundamental and applied research in the life sciences. All traditional areas of biology, such as physiology, botany, zoology, genetics and microbiology, as well as related fields, such as biomedical, pharmacology, agriculture and agri-food, are covered.

As part of our commitment to the SDG Publishers Compact, Ariana Fuga, Senior Editor, has been nominated to promote SDG progress, act as a point of contact and coordinate the SDG themes throughout EDP Sciences.
“I am delighted to accept this role as I believe strongly that publishers can make a vital contribution to the success of the SDGs. Good quality, rigorous science is of the utmost importance and may prove to be a decisive factor in the achievement of the SDGs.”
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