Volunteer opportunity with 4open journal
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The 4open journal is currently looking for a volunteer PhD student or early career professional to assist in the management of the 4open Twitter account @4openjournal.
4open is a multidisciplinary open access journal that was launched by EDP Sciences in 2017 focussing on life sciences and medicine, chemistry, physics and mathematics. As the journal is attracting more submissions and generating more content, we would appreciate the help of an engaged individual who is interested in gaining experience in the academic publishing industry, and who wants a better insight into how a professional global publisher works.
For this position, we are looking for someone who is studying for a PhD degree within the STEM community, or a recent post-doctorate. As the position is voluntary, we welcome suggestions from applicants as to the level of support they can offer.
The key tasks to be carried out by the successful volunteer include:
- Monitoring the 4open Twitter account.
- Monitoring Twitter accounts in the same fields and retweeting and following others accordingly.
- Keeping up to date with current events in the open access publishing sector and working with EDP Sciences to post interesting tweets to the account based on either journal content or on science/open science more generally.
- Providing ideas and initiatives on how to best make use of the @4openjournal account.
In return, you will gain invaluable experience working with an academic journal and an experienced team of editors who are successful scientists in their own right. You will gain excellent experience of supporting a multidisciplinary open access journal that has open science at its core. In addition, this experience will give you valuable material to develop your skills and add to your CV.
Along with this we are offering a one-year subscription to any EDP Sciences journal of your choice.
If you are interested in this position, please apply by email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with a CV and covering letter specifying your social media experience, what level of support you can offer and any suggestions for improving 4open’s presence on Twitter.