An ‘open’ road for Acta Acustica, the journal of the European Acoustics Association
- Détails
Last June, it gave us great pleasure to announce that EDP Sciences and the European Acoustics Association (EAA) had agreed to publish Acta Acustica (formerly Acta Acustica united with Acustica) in partnership from January 2020. At the time, we also announced that the journal would become fully gold open access from January 2020. Now, with the publication of its first editorial, and with four more articles accepted for publication, we are delighted to announce that Acta Acustica is live.
In his editorial, Professor Manell Zakharia, President of the EAA, expresses the desire “…to make Acta Acustica, a top scientific level Journal and transform the first full open access Acoustics Journal controlled by a non-profit association in a great success.” To support this aim, the EAA has established a financial support system for authors belonging to the EAA National Societies to support the cost of article processing charges (APCs) for EAA society members.
The current editorial board will remain in place, led by Professor Jean Kergomard, Editor-in-Chief and Director of Research at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, CNRS in Marseille, France.
“The launch of the new open access journal during the International Year of Sound is timely,” commented Anne Ruimy, Senior Publishing Editor. “Acta Acustica is sure to create a ‘buzz’ in the acoustics community!”
Acta Acustica reports on original scientific research in acoustics and on engineering applications covering all subjects in the field of acoustics. Visit the Acta Acustica website to find out more about the journal, to read the instructions for authors or submit a paper and to sign-up for free e-mail alerts so that you never miss future articles.
Forthcoming articles include:
- Passive modelling of the electrodynamic loudspeaker: from the Thiele-Small model to nonlinear Port-Hamiltonian Systems
- Effect of phoneme variations on blind reverberation time estimation
- Correction of the Doppler distortion generated by a vibrating baffled piston
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