The first fully online scientific writing masterclass completed
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EDP Sciences is thrilled with the completion of its third scientific writing workshop in partnership with Paris Saclay University earlier this month. This workshop, aimed at PhD students in chemistry, was the first fully online scientific writing masterclass conducted. With 13 participants joining remotely, EDP Sciences is pleased that the workshop was a success.
Participants had the opportunity to submit their own unpublished abstracts and articles to the feedback of their peers, senior publishers Anne Ruimy and Isabelle Auffret Babak, and Prof. Stéphane Petoud, Editor-in-Chief Chemistry of 4open. The students used NESTOR, the new editorial system built by EDP Sciences, to submit and review articles.
“Yes, the workshop was very instructive and informative…” explained a student when asked if the workshop met their expectations. “It expanded my knowledge and I have a better idea on how to present my work for the future.”
Learn more about the scientific writing masterclasses.
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