Subscribe-to-Open 2021 Transparency Report published
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Report details costs and prices related to the EDP Sciences-SMAI Subscribe-to-Open pilot program for mathematics journals
As advocates of open science, EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Industrielles et Appliquées (SMAI) are pleased to share the first annual report relating to their Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) program in mathematics. The report includes details of the evolution of subscription prices, renewal targets, publication costs and other key measures. Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) is a transformative model first introduced by Annual Reviews and recently endorsed by cOAlition S. It aims to transition subscription journals to open access, without charging authors to publish, by leveraging existing library procurement processes.
Transparency is an essential element for all stakeholders involved in the S2O model and for librarians in particular. In a recent S2O Online Survey Report commissioned by Annual Reviews on behalf of the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice, respondents who were familiar with the S2O model ranked “transparent pricing” as the most important feature. Indeed, they felt that “transparent pricing” would encourage their institution to participate in S2O offers from publishers. More generally, “financial transparency” is a recurring subject of lively debate within scholarly publishing.
EDP Sciences and SMAI decided to go further than “transparent pricing” by publishing a range of financial information. We followed FAIR data guidelines to be “as open as possible and as closed as necessary” to decide which information to include. More information is available to interested libraries on request. We plan to update and publish the report every year.
EDP Sciences is committed to fair subscription prices. We hope that releasing supporting information of this kind will help librarians to evaluate our mathematics journals and reach an informed decision to support the S2O program by subscribing to the journals.
Read the full 2021 Transparency Report.
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Director of Marketing and Communications
EDP Sciences