A&A Masterclass on Scientific Writing at EAS 2024
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Astronomy & Astrophysics and EDP Sciences were delighted to co-facilitate a masterclass on Scientific Writing and Publishing for Astronomers in July, during the EAS 2024 conference in Padova, Italy.
Masterclasses took place over three consecutive lunch-time sessions, with approximately forty researchers attending each day. During the three-day series, Masterclasses were delivered by A&A and experts from the astronomical community: Henri Boffin (European Southern Observatory), Johan Knapen (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), Thierry Forveille (A&A) and Anne Ruimy (EDP Sciences, Publisher of A&A).
The first session (01/07) facilitated by Johan Knapen and Henri Boffin, centered on planning and writing a paper. This started with a general introduction, followed by a discussion of how to develop the idea of a paper or proposal, and how to format it for the specific journal or panel selected, and for the intended audience. There was also time dedicated to optimising the title and abstract.
The second session (02/07), concentrated on writing mechanics. Henri Boffin discussed style in writing papers while Johan Knapen shared insight on writing funding and other proposals.
The third session (03/07) looked specifically at A&A. Thierry Forveille offered a look behind the scenes at what happens to manuscripts after their submission. Anne Ruimy provided further insights in publishing A&A, detailing the steps involved in preparing papers or publication in A&A. Both offered&A a behind-the-scenes look at the roles of editor, referee, and journal production staff.
This was the third year that a masterclass was held at the conference and the first year that it was co-facilitated by A&A, providing a useful service to the community as an alternative to an A&A booth. The overall masterclass series was well appreciated, with lively discussions and numerous questions from participants.
If you missed this year’s masterclass or are eager to enhance your scientific writing skills, consider attending one of the masterclasses run by EDP Sciences. More details can be found here. Additionally, the next Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers (SWYA) workshop will be held in Sintra, Portugal, from 5-9 May 2025 You can find more information here.