2018 Impact Factors - significant increase for Astronomy & Astrophysics reaching 6.209
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Astronomy & Astrophysics has earned an increased Impact Factor of 6.209 in this year’s Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) – up 11.6% from 5.565 last year. Its impact factor has risen steadily over the past four years and the increase is a fitting achievement in its 50th anniversary year.
Since its launch in 1969, Astronomy & Astrophysics has been publishing the highest quality, pioneering, scientific research. It is now the leading original research journal in its field and has retained its rank of 10th in the Astronomy and Astrophysics category which increased from 66 to 69 journals.
Astronomy & Astrophysics continually innovates and strives to engage researchers and authors and is proud of its ‘Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers’ school for PhD students.
Its special issues are particularly valued by the community and include Gaia Data Release 1 and Planck 2015 results which have contributed to this year’s Impact Factor. (The more recent issue Gaia Data Release 2 and Planck 2018 are also available.) This year’s Impact Factor confirms the position of Astronomy & Astrophysics as a pre-eminent voice in the discipline.