One hundred years of publishing excellence – EDP Sciences celebrates its centenary on 21 July 2020
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Did you know EDP Sciences has been publishing pioneering science since 1920? As 2020 unfolds, we are delighted to reflect on the past and mark our 100th anniversary despite the unanticipated circumstances.
We had planned to celebrate this historic milestone with an event in Paris. Unfortunately, this is not now possible. However, we are pleased to bring you a number of new centenary resources which allow us to celebrate virtually…
“Pour ‘l’amour de notre science’ – one hundred years of publishing excellence” – a film by Maarten Roos, Planetary Scientist & Filmmaker
In 1920, La Société du Journal de Physique et Le Radium was a specialist French publisher. Today, EDP Sciences is an international academic publisher supporting the scientific community at all levels. Watch the trailer for a taste of the full film and visit again for the online première on 21 July 2020.
Looking back in time – a brief history of EDP Sciences in pictures
Did you know early shareholders included Albert 1er the Prince of Monaco, Antoine Béclère who created the first radiology laboratory in Paris and Louis Lumière of the Lumière brothers? Not to mention Marie Curie and Jean Perrin! Find out more about some of our Nobel Prize winners who include the only two people to win prizes in different fields.
One of those is Marie Curie who we continue to hold in great affection. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, the first person to be awarded the prize twice and still the only person to receive the prize in two different scientific fields.
Other highlights include Paul Langevin’s first editorial, seminal archive articles from Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Max Planck and Henri Becquerel and a selection of interesting facts and events which give us a flavour of 1920.
Visit the new centenary resources. If you have a memory you would like to share, we'd love to hear from you.