EDP Sciences and the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences conclude a significant agreement on article processing charges in support of open access
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Paris, France, 4 June 2020: EDP Sciences and the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of an agreement on article processing charges (APCs) which enables all corresponding authors affiliated with eligible Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) academic institutes to publish open access, at a discounted rate, in a range of EDP Sciences journals.
The agreement applies to all fully open access or hybrid journals published by EDP Sciences. Upon submission, corresponding authors of eligible CAS academic institutes will be identified automatically and a 20% discount applied to their APC. Once published, their articles will be freely available in open access. APCs will also include the ‘Liberty APC’ which allows the corresponding author to decide the level of the charge (from 0 to 900 Euros) to which the 20% discount will then be applied.
CAS authors represent a growing number of EDP Sciences corresponding authors and they will now be able to publish under a CC-BY licence. In so doing, their research and expertise will become available to a wider, international audience. The agreement is for one year initially and can be extended by mutual agreement.
“I think this cooperation will play an active role in the further improvement of EDP Sciences’ influence in CAS and in attracting CAS authors and readers,” commented Mrs Zhao Yan, Assistant to the Director, NSLC.
“It is hugely exciting working closely with such a prestigious research institution as CAS to facilitate the work of its academics and researchers in a cost effective way,” observed Liping Liu, China Regional Director at EDP Sciences. “In turn, this enables us to better serve the global academic community by supporting the timely exchange of research.”
About the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC)
The National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC) is the research library service system of CAS as well as the National Library of Sciences in Chinese National Science and Technology Libraries (NSTL) system. Its collection of about 11.5 million items is accessible from 125 CAS institutes in 30 cities across China. It coordinates the resource development and service provision of all institutional libraries in CAS and collaborates with major domestic and foreign libraries for resource sharing and research in library and information services. NSLC is represented within IFLA, EIFL and COAR and cooperates closely with partners like MPG Libraries and TIB in Germany, Stanford University Library in USA, JST in Japan and KISTI in Korea. It also offers masters and doctoral degree programs in library and information sciences.
More information about the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC).
List of eligible CAS institutes.
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences is an international academic publisher which was founded by learned societies in 1920. EDP Sciences publishes high-quality scientific journals, conference proceedings, books and magazines, many of which are open access.
Several journals are published in partnership with learned societies and the journal 4open is expressly built on the four pillars of open science. EDP Sciences also offers EDP Open Books - a comprehensive open access publishing solution.
EDP Sciences was founded by eminent scientists including Marie Curie and Paul Langevin. Since November 2019, it is owned by Science Press which is itself majority-owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CAS is the world’s largest research organisation and a prestigious learned society. EDP Sciences has therefore always been, and continues to be, the publishing partner of scientific communities.
More information about EDP Sciences.
More information about open access publishing conditions, Liberty APCs and participating journals.
For more information:
Charlotte Van Rooyen
Head of Marketing Communications
EDP Sciences
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