Successful conclusion of online Science Publishing Masterclasses for researchers and students in China
- Détails

In September, we were pleased to announce a new, online series of Science Publishing and Scientific Writing Masterclasses for researchers and students in China. The series was coordinated by the Beijing office of EDP Sciences and designed to support anyone wishing to write and/or publish internationally. Researchers from institutions throughout China were invited to attend the Masterclasses which were broadcast via the SciChina video channel, the KouXiang Academic platform and the Scientific Cloud platform. The last of the four sessions took place on 13 December and we are delighted to report the series has been a resounding success.
The sessions related to scientific writing and journals publishing, and addressed issues such as publishing strategy, ethics, peer review and promotion to give a comprehensive overview of scientific publishing.
September - “Introduction to scientific publishing” attracted over 16,500 livestream views
October - “How to write a scientific research paper” received more than 19,000 livestream views
November - “How to publish your research paper” attracted over 21,700 livestream views
December - “Open science, Open access” received more than 19,700 livestream views
Participants were mainly early career researchers in STM subjects and overwhelmingly chose “very good” in the post-session questionnaire to describe their experience. Specific feedback included “I like it and am looking forward to watching more.” and "I want to know more about English scientific writing skills, and I think it's important for young researchers."
We were particularly impressed by the lively questions and answers after each presentation and the excellent questions received from participants many of whom also took part in a dedicated WeChat group. There was also enthusiastic take up of an offer by Anne Ruimy (Senior Publishing Editor) to provide free, personalized, confidential feedback for the first five abstracts received after the October session.
We hope this concludes the first of many such Masterclasses to come. We are keen to support Chinese authors and to help them to share their part of China’s research excellence. For more information on EDP Sciences Masterclasses, or to arrange a tailored masterclass for your institution, please contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..