Introducing Dr. Silvia Soria as co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
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We extend a very warm welcome to Dr. Silvia Soria in her new role of co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications (JEOS-RP). She joins Sergei Popov, the longstanding Editor-in-Chief, who has led the journal with the support of Co-Editors Riad Haidar, Gerd Leuchs and Sergei Turitsyn as well as an expert, international Editorial Board.
JEOS-RP is widely considered to be a leading European journal in the field of optics and photonics. Dr. Soria is tasked specifically with supporting the development of special issues (such as the forthcoming Ultrafast Optics) and engaging researchers in certain subject areas, including her own areas of expertise: optics, lasers and non-linear optics in organic and glass materials and biophotonics.
“I enjoy scientific publishing, and editing special issues, so close engagement with JEOS-RP as co-Editor-in-Chief will be very rewarding as the journal grows with ever-increasing quality and impact within the scientific community,” commented Dr. Soria. “The opportunity to work closely with a fantastic team of editors and editorial office staff was a temptation I could not resist.”
Silvia Soria received her PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona, Spain. She went on to conduct post-doctoral research at Laser Laboratorium Göttingen e.V., Germany and became a ‘Ramon y Cajal Fellow’ at the ICFO-Institute of Photonics Science in Barcelona, Spain. Currently, she is a senior researcher at IFAC-CNR. The “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC) is part of the National Research Council (CNR), which is the main public organisation pursuing research and innovation in Italy.
“With 25 years of experience, and over 100 publications to her name, we are very lucky to have Silvia Soria on the JEOS-RP editorial team,” commented Isabelle Auffret-Babak, Senior Publisher, EDP Sciences. “It is a pleasure working with Sergei Popov and the EOS and I feel sure that Dr. Soria will complement the team and help to push JEOS-RP to achieve greater success.”
JEOS-RP is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which provides high-quality communications that report on the latest findings and important achievements in optics and photonics. These include emerging technologies and strategic goals. It covers both fundamental and applied topics and, as its name suggests, strives for the shortest possible publication times. Its current Impact Factor is 2.021.
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