General Information about Subscription Journals
Subscription Models
All of our journals have online versions and some have both print and online versions (very few are still available in print only). Some content is free in the online version after an embargo period or as open access in fully Open Access or hybrid journals. The editorial policy varies for each journal, please visit the journal’s policies to clarify for each journal.
EDP Sciences works with institutions to offer flexible subscription options. Below are the different ways to access paid content:
- Traditional subscription based on Pick&Choose. Our standard institutional prices are valid for institutions with a unique geographical site and FTEs up to 10,000. If your institution has more than one location and/or FTEs above 10,000, please note that the subscription price will be customized. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Subject collection or Full collection. The price is customized and a price will be offered depending on the size of your institution and number of holdings. Please click on the Journals collection description to see the list of all journals included in our full collection. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Multiple-site license. Once the license has been signed and returned to EDP Sciences, multiple-site license will allow institutions to extend their access to titles across multiple sites. Online access corresponds to our standard service but print copies can be added. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Subscribe to Open (S2O). Subscribe to Open (S2O) is an innovative, transformative model that aims to move subscription journals to open access in a fair and sustainable way. Following the subscription renewal cycle, a journal joining the S2O programme will publish its newly-accepted content in open access as soon as all subscription renewals have been received, typically at the end of February in Year 1. More information on S2O is available here or download the leaflet.
Most of our journals have a Pay per view option. In this case, you pay online (by credit card) for the desired content.
Authentication / Access Control
Authentification is usually based on IP address. Please do not forget to update your IP address if necessary.
To know your IP address, click here.
Granted Years and Perpetual Access
Our subscription journals are mostly based on the calendar year and usually includes access to archives. Click here to find here the details of our archive policy.
Institutions will retain perpetual access to paid for content they subscribe to, or have previously subscribed to as long EDP Sciences retains the right to publish that content.
Title information can be found in KBART format here.
Digital Preservation
EDP Sciences has signed an agreement with Portico: please see here the list of journals covered by Portico.
Usage Statistics
EDP Sciences delivers Counter 4 compliant usage statistics. For more information, please email our customer service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you have any questions about accessing our content, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our teams will be happy to provide any additional information you might need.
Pricing and Access Licenses
Orders can be placed through your subscription agent or directly:
- by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- by regular mail to EDP Sciences, 17 avenue du Hoggar, Parc d'activités de Courtaboeuf, BP 112, F-91944 Les Ulis CEDEX A, France (check to the order of EDP Sciences)
- or by fax to +33 (0)1 69 86 06 78
Multi-site institutions and/or FTEs above 10.000 require a customized price.
To subscribe to our journals full collection or journals subject collections or ask for a quotation, please email our customer service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The EDP Sciences' Electronic Journals Multi Sites Access License is available here.
Please feel free to comment and/or to sign it, then return it to us.
For single-site institutions with FTEs up to 10,000 or individuals, please see our price list.
Download the EDP Sciences 2025 Annual Subscription Price List (in Euros).
Download the EDP Sciences 2024 Annual Subscription Price List (in Euros).
The EDP Sciences' Electronic Journals Single Site Access License is available here.
US Dollar payments
For payments in US Dollars only bank transfers are accepted.
Download the EDP Sciences 2025 Annual Subscription Price List (in US Dollars).
Download the EDP Sciences 2024 Annual Subscription Price List (in US Dollars).
If you are not located in the USA but want to be invoiced in USD, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dispatch Dates
You will find below the dispatch dates for print versions.
- Biologie Aujourd'hui
- Éducation thérapeutique du patient/Therapeutic patient education
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
- Europhysics News
- Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire canine & féline
- Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire élevages & santé
- Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire équine
- Matériaux & Techniques
- médecine/sciences
- Metallurgical Research & Technology
- Pédagogie Médicale
- Perspectives Psy
- Photoniques
- psychologie clinique
- Revue Française de Géotechnique
OAI-PMH and EDP Sciences
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) provides an application-independent interoperability framework for digital repositories based on metadata harvesting.
The EDP Sciences OAI-PMH service provides access to metadata of all articles published on EDP Sciences web platform, Vision4Press, including title, authors, abstract …
EDP Sciences supports OAI-PMH version 2.0.
Technical Information
The base URL for's OAI-PMH service is:
Metadata Formats
Metadata is available for all articles in Dublin Core format.
Further details on this metadata format are available at
Each journal or conference series published by EDP Sciences is defined as a 'Set' within the’ OAI service.
Further information
General information can be found at the Open Archives Initiative website.
Please address any specific queries regarding this OAI-PMH service to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
EDP Sciences Journals Collection (Subscription Journals)
Full collection Journals for reading (Subscription Journals)
Support and contact
You can find help in the FAQ page or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you are experiencing an access problem to an article or to a journal please do not forget to indicate the name of your institute, your subscriber number, if relevant, the journal title, the exact URL you are trying to access and your IP address if your subcription is IP controlled. You can find your IP address here.
A screenshot of the denied access page, showing the central part as well as the requested URL and a text copy of the error message would help us to process your support request.