Open Access charges for journals
As a learned society publisher, EDP Sciences supports open access and the dissemination of science. It is our willingness to transition our entire portfolio of journals into full open access journals in the coming years.
As of January 2019, a number of our journals are either full open access, or included in transformative agreements with institutions and consortia supporting us in our transition to full open access, see current list below. EDP Sciences are actively engaged in integrating additional journals and institutions in existing transformative agreements, and negotiating further agreements.
In the course of this process, we are working on eliminating "double-dipping" (charging subscribers for open access content paid for by authors, their funders, or covered by open access agreements).
Disclaimer: Exceptions may apply for certain journals. In case of discrepancy, the publication charges page for your journal shall prevail.
Open Access Fees
The open access fee (also known as APC, Article Processing Charge) covers the costs involved in the open access publication, such as editorial handling, copyediting, data management, proofs, administrative overheads and technologies in order to make your article findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. See table below for the price list per journal.
- Full Open Access journals
If you are a corresponding author not affiliated with participating institutions and consortia, you, or your institution or funding body (Research Councils UK, Wellcome Trust and so on), need to pay an open access fee to publish in full open access journals.
Open Access Options (OAO)
EDP Sciences proposes an open access option to publish in many journals that are not full open access. Authors may be required, or may choose to make their paper freely available to all readers as soon as their article is published online, in exchange for a fee which covers the cost of open access publication. Publication in subscription journals is free of charge, unless the author wishes to publish in open access (In such cases, the author may pay an APC to have their paper published in open access, see Table below). You do not have to indicate your choice until your article is accepted.
APC Refund Policy
EDP Sciences provides full publishing services for the publication of articles in open access and for the ongoing maintenance of the scientific record. The cost for these services may be covered by Article Processing Charges.
Please report to the journal’s production office any error which directly affects the open access publishing services provided for your paper. We will make every effort to correct this without delay. Where service fails to meet our high standards, you may be offered, at the publisher’s discretion, a refund of all or part of the APC, or a credit towards future publications.
APCs will not be refunded if articles are retracted or withdrawn as a result of author error or misconduct.
APCs Price List
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
1: Prices in € without VAT. In E.U. countries, 20% VAT should be added, or VAT identification number provided.
Waivers and Discounts
Research4Life programme
EDP Sciences is an active member of the Research4Life programme. We provide a waiver to authors based in countries included in Group A of the Research4Life programme. If you are a corresponding author affiliated with an institution from this list of countries, you can publish in fully open access journals published by EDP Sciences free of charge. Please contact the production office of your journal if you are eligible for a waiver under the Research4Life programme.
CAS institutes
EDP Sciences has signed an APC agreement with the NSLC (National Science Library CAS) the research library service system for the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Under this agreement if you are a corresponding author affiliated with one of the eligible CAS institutes, you can publish in fully open access or hybrid journals published by EDP Sciences at a 20 percent discounted APC price. For further information regarding the list of eligible CAS institutions please contact Nathalie Clément, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
EDP Sciences has signed with the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) a German National APC agreement. If you are a corresponding author affiliated with German academic institutions including universities and research institutions, you can publish in fully open access or hybrid journals published by EDP Sciences at a 20 percent discounted APC price. Please contact the production office of your journal.
Transformative Agreements
If you are a corresponding author from an institution or consortium with which EDP Sciences has a transformative agreement, and your journal is included in the agreement, you are eligible to publish your article in open access free of charge, whether the journal is fully open access or not. You should receive a voucher accordingly at the time of acceptance of your article. If you have not received your voucher, please contact the production office of your journal.
EDP Sciences is involved in transformative agreements with the following institutions and consortia. Please check the websites below to confirm whether your institution and journal are covered by a transformative agreement.
- National Open Access agreement in France
- Pilot agreement between Astronomy & Astrophysics journal and Max Planck Institution
- TU Delft agreement
- Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé
Subscribe to Open (S2O)
Subscribe to Open (S2O) is one of the transformative models that aims to move subscription journals to open access. S2O does this by maintaining the existing customer and subscriber relationships that know and value the contents of a journal with little effort and no additional costs. These institutions are asked to subscribe as usual, and, as long as EDP Sciences receives the expected subscription income, then the current year's content will be made available to all in full open access. See the table above for the list of journals published under a Subscribe to Open model. More information on Subscribe to Open is available here.
Submission Fees
EDP Sciences does not charge submission fees for the publication in its journals.
Typical Breakdown of Costs
The cost of electronic publication of a paper at EDPS is between 1200€ and 1500€. The typical breakdown of publication costs for a journal is presented below. Please note that variations to this cost structure may depend on: the size of the journal (number of pages published), the business model (open access, subscription…), the editorial system used, the nature of services provided for the journal (including 3rd party services such as ORCID, Publons, iThenticate, COPE, etc), and so on.
There are a lot of things that publishers do to add value beyond managing peer review and some basic copy editing and formatting! See for example

Publication Charges for Books
EDP Sciences publishes books in Open Access on EDP Open.
Publishing your book in Open Access means that it will be accessible to all at no cost, therefore EDP Sciences charges authors/institutions to cover the cost of production. The actual cost will vary based on the material provided by the authors; this could be a PDF or a manuscript that needs editorial work (copyediting, layout, cover, conversion to an ePub format). The online cost includes hosting and indexation of the book.
Benefits of publishing your book in Open Access with EDP Sciences:
- Increased visibility of your work on EDP Open and through indexation in major databases.
- You retain the copyright for your text and authorize EDP Sciences to publish the content under a Creative Commons license ( or
- Your book is indexed in the DOAB ( and in Oapen ( to reach an international audience.
- A paper version can be printed on demand.
If you are an author or institution interested in publishing your book with EDP Sciences, contact us now.
Publication Charges for Conferences
Conferences proceedings are published in open access and there are no article processing charges for the authors. The costs of EDP Sciences conference publishing services are the responsibility of the organizers of the event.
If you are a conference organizer interested in publishing your proceedings with EDP Sciences, please contact Web of Conferences in order to request a quote.