Anne Simoneau, Director of Business Development at EDP Sciences, joins OA Switchboard Advisory Group
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EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that Anne Simoneau, Director of Business Development, has been invited to join the Advisory Group of the OA Switchboard project.
As the demand for open access publications is increasing, the models to fund these publications are becoming more diverse and complex. The OA Switchboard project, first discussed in December 2018, brings together funders, institutions and publishers “to facilitate the fulfilment of open access strategies across business models, policies and agreements.” – The OA Switchboard Initiative
The Advisory Group is part of the organisation and governance of the 2020 project, alongside the Steering Committee and the Project Manager. The Advisory Group consists of individuals and representatives of key stakeholder groups who will meet monthly to support the work of the Steering Committee. The project is currently in an initial consultation stage.
“As a publisher actively supporting the transition of journals to open access, we are proud to be a part of this initiative,” commented Anne Simoneau. “Recently, EDP Sciences has been at the heart of several open access agreements, including the French National Open Access Agreement, the Subscribe to Open pilot for Mathematical Modeling for Numerical Analysis, and the transformative agreement between Astronomy & Astrophysics and the Max Planck Society.”
For more information, contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser., Director of Business Development, EDP Sciences.