Dr Jean-Marie Drezet

Dr Jean-Marie Drezet, senior scientist at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) and editorial board member of the "Revue de Métallurgie" is the recipient of the Constellium Prize 2012.

Dr Jean-Marie Drezet, has been recognized for his work in the field of metallic alloys and especially of aluminium alloys. He is especially known for having developed and tested, under different configurations, a “hot tearing” criterion for alloys undergoing solidification. His works are part of a deep-seated tendency of modern metallurgy, with the perspective of an integrated modelling of processing, in relation with the microstructures development.

Prix CONSTELLIUM - Grand Prix de l'Académie des sciences

Constellium Prize 2012 of French Academy of Sciences awarded to Dr Jean-Marie Drezet