2009 Impact Factors (2010-06-30)
In June of each year, Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge announces the latest Impact Factors. The Impact Factor (often abbreviated as IF) is an indicator of the quality of a scientific journal. It is evaluated according to the number of citations of the papers published therein, and helps to assess the relative importance of a journal, particularly when comparing it to others in the same field.
EDP Sciences, publishing partner of the scientific communities, has a particular interest in the publication of the 2009 rankings. More than 25 publications produced and distributed by our company have an Impact Factor, and the combined efforts of the editorial offices and the resources made available to them over the past several years have yielded excellent results. The IF figures have shown continuous growth in the short term and especially the medium term.
Some of the year’s most gratifying achievements include:
Look up the Impact Factors of our journals by clicking the website of each journal.
- Astronomy & Astrophysics -> Impact Factor 4.179
- Veterinary Research -> Impact Factor 3.579
- EPL -> Impact Factor 2.893
- EPJ E -> Impact Factor 2.019
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development -> Impact Factor 1.650
- Apidologie -> Impact Factor 1.493
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique -> Impact Factor 1.483
- EPJ B -> Impact Factor 1.466
- Annals of Forest Science -> Impact Factor 1.441
- EPJ D -> Impact Factor 1.420
- Aquatic Living Resources -> Impact Factor 1.227
- ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations -> Impact Factor 1.084
- Dairy Science & Technology (formerly Le Lait) -> Impact Factor 1.012
(IF for DST: 0.574; IF for Le Lait: 1.600)- Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology -> Impact Factor 0.981
In the light of this success, EDP Sciences would like to offer sincere congratulations to every author, referee, and editor concerned.