EPJ Web of Conferences, the new open-access journal dedicated to the publication of proceedings in physics area, is now indexed in the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Inspec and Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) bibliographic databases, and it will soon be indexed in the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS).

  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) monitors, indexes, and abstracts the world's chemistry-related literature and patents. These databases offer many scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biomedical sciences, engineering, materials science, physics, and more.
  • Inspec, the IEE's comprehensive index to literature in physics, electrical/electronic technology, computing, control engineering and information technology.
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index accessed via Web of Science , helps researchers access the published literature from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions worldwide.
  • SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), a Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics.