EDP Sciences congratulates the astrophysicist Françoise Combes on her appointment by the Collège de France in the newly created chair Galaxies and Cosmology.

Françoise Combes is specialized in galaxies formation, their dynamics and their evolution since the Big Bang, but also dark matter.

Our universe is infinitely greater, more extraordinary and more mysterious than we have thought. We now know only 0.5% of its composition. The nature of dark matter is one of the great enigmas of modern astrophysics.

More information in the Press Release (in French)

Françoise Combes has been contributing to numerous EDP Sciences’ publications:

  • Associate editor for the international journal Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Author of numerous articles published in different journals: Astronomy & Astrophysics, EAS Publication Series, EPJ Web of Conferences
  • Author of books such as "La Voie lactée" (The Milky Way) published in the collection Savoirs Actuels
  • President of the SF2A. Learned society which organizes every year the Journées SF2A ("French Week in Astrophysics"), during which EDP Sciences is pleased to present the Best Thesis Award.