New: online version of the proceedings of the 2006 IUFoST congress "Food is Life" (2006-10-09)
New Astronomy & Astrophysics website: (2006-10-02)
Free access to the latest articles of The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (2006-06-01)
A&A Official Sponsor of the Astronomy 2006 ? IAU XXVIth General Assembly (2006-03-31)
EDP Sciences sponsor of LISA V (2006-03-31)
RSS feeds (2006-02-03)
E-first for Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2006-01-30)
"Thérapie" published on EDP Sciences's platform (2006-01-01)
EDP Sciences is announcing a new Open Access initiative for Annals of Forest Science (2005-06-30)
Free access to the latest articles of Astronomy & Astrophysics (2005-06-13)
Cooperation between Europhysics Letters and HAL (Hyper Article on Line) (2005-05-23)
"Newly accepted? Then it's online" for Astronomy & Astrophysics papers (2004-11-26)
Links in References (2004-01-05)
CrossRef Indexation (2004-01-05)
E-first for EPJ Applied Physics (2003-04-30)
Online First (2002-09-24)
EDP Sciences participates in PhysNet (2000-07-20)
Les Éditions de Physique become EDP Sciences (1998-01-01)