EDP Sciences and Knowledge Unlatched announce a Subscribe-to-Open collaboration
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An Open Access initiative to sustain the barrier-free availability of EDP Sciences' complete mathematics portfolio
Paris / Berlin, June 10, 2021. In May 2021, EDP Sciences announced that its complete mathematics journal portfolio of six subscription titles—including the flagship journal "ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical analysis"— transitioned to Open Access (OA) under the innovative Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model. In partnership with Knowledge Unlatched (KU), EDP Sciences will be asking libraries and institutions currently subscribing to any of the six journals to renew for 2021 and beyond on a S2O basis, thus contributing to maintaining these journals Open Access in years to come.
With this flip, EDP Sciences is fulfilling part of its mission to make the mathematics content it publishes freely available and as widespread as possible. "All newly accepted articles in the six journals are now published in Open Access with a CC-BY licence without article processing charges (APCs)," says Anne Ruimy, Senior Publisher at EDP Sciences. "This model has the strong support of the French mathematics community and we invite all subscribing libraries to back the S2O model, as it is proving to be a sustainable OA solution that keeps journal content open and free."
"It’s encouraging to see the uptake of the S2O model, particularly in the subject area of mathematics,” says Philipp Hess, KU’s Head of Publisher Relations. “Working with a publisher of EDP Sciences’ caliber and expertise is yet another confirmation that scholarly publishing is paying attention to the signals from the market and is willing to embrace innovation for the sake of a sustainable future for open research.”
EDP Sciences will receive support from KU in introducing the S2O model to libraries, working with the Subscription Division of EBSCO Information Services for related transactions. By building on current subscription processes, the S2O model reaffirms librarians’ roles as decision-makers and curators who continue to influence and shape the landscape of OA journal publishing.
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences is an international, academic publisher which was established in 1920 by a prestigious academic community of French learned societies. Members of this community included eminent scientists like Marie Curie, Paul Langevin and Louis de Broglie. Today, EDP Sciences publishes high-quality scientific journals, conference proceedings, books and magazines in a broad range of scientific, technical and medical disciplines. It is very involved in open access and supportive of open science.
Since November 2019, EDP Sciences is owned by Science Press which is itself majority-owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CAS is a prestigious learned society and the world’s largest research organisation.
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About Knowledge Unlatched
Knowledge Unlatched is committed to Open Access to academic content for readers and researchers around the world. Its online platform is the central point of contact for libraries worldwide to support Open Access initiatives, business models, book and journal collections of leading publishing houses and university presses.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Head of Publisher Relations