Our annual round up of all things open access at EDP Sciences – part two

Partnerships for open access

Our partners are very important and really do contribute to “strength in numbers”. One of those is OASPA which was instrumental in the launch of the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) last year of which we became a supporting publisher from the start. A year on and almost 100 publishers have signed up.

We continue to actively explore transformative agreements as a means to an open access end and recently signed a transformative agreement with TU Delft in the Netherlands. As the publisher for the National Open Access Agreement in France, we are proud of our open access role both nationally and internationally.

The DOAB and DOAJ are a significant presence in our day-to-day work. The DOAB indexes the books published under EDP Open Books; it seems there is a growing demand for open access books which we are keen to satisfy. The DOAJ, this year alone, has awarded the DOAJ Seal to 24 of our journals for “best practice in open access publishing” including Mechanics & Industry which it also accepted for indexation following its transition to open access at the start of 2021.

Journal news

Helping journals to become open access is one of our specialities and we saw, yesterday, how Astronomy & Astrophysics, one of the world’s top astronomy journals, and our maths journals have already adopted Subscribe-to-Open (S2O).

We were very pleased when Acta Acustica embraced open access when we started publishing it in 2020. This move made it the first acoustics journal of a learned society to transition to open access. A year or so later, it has taken a further step by revamping its data policy to encourage authors to share their data and code to open access repositories under FAIR principles. By making research data and code available in addition to the published research, audio articles and special issues requiring data deposits are now possible.

Meanwhile, the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) is celebrating its 10 year anniversary. EDP Sciences and the European space weather community launched JSWSC as an open access journal and we are happy to report it is going from strength-to-strength. “From solar flares to the Little Ice Age and the role of JSWSC” retraces the 10 year history of the journal and “10 years of JSWSC” is an anniversary topical issue which includes articles by medal-winning authors. You can find out more here.

Both Acta Acustica and JSWSC were awarded the DOAJ Seal this year. From January 2022, we look forward to welcoming JEOS - Rapid Publications, the open access journal of the European Optical Society.

We would like to finish by suggesting that the battle for open access is won, long live open science! We hope you have enjoyed reading this post. If you’d like to comment on anything or find out more about S2O or our open access activities, please get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Director of Marketing and Communications, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.