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Metallurgical Research & Technology and the team at EDP Sciences wish to congratulate the authors of ‘New advances in the laboratory characterization of refractories: testing and modelling’ , Jacques Poirier, Eric Blond, Emmanuel de Bilbao, Rudy Michel, Antoine Coulon, Jean Gillibert, Michel Boussuge, Yang Zhang, David Ryckelynk, Gilles Dusserre, Thierry Cutard, and Paul Leplay (2017), for winning the 2018 Alfred W. Allen Award.

The Alfred W. Allen Award of the American Ceramic Society was established to “honour the legacy of an educator, technical contributor and supporter of the Refractory Ceramics Division”. The award committee biennially selects the author(s) of the paper which reflects the highest level of technical quality in the refractory ceramics field.

Professor Jacques Poirier will receive the award in March 2019 at the Society’s Annual St. Louis Refractory Symposium.

4open has published its first article in the field of physics. The article – “Various damage mechanisms in carbon and silicon materials under femtosecond x-ray irradiation” by Nikita Medvedev et al, is free to read on the 4open website.

The article presents research results on damage mechanisms in materials irradiated with fem-tosecond free-electron-laser (FEL) pulses.

4open is currently encouraging submissions in the multi- and inter-disciplinary fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including material sciences and engineering.

Visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article.

Providing researchers in Europe and internationally, a world-class option for manuscript editing and publication support

EDP Sciences and Enago are now working together to offer high quality author services, including English manuscript editing and publication support, to scientific, clinical and medical researchers particularly those for whom English is a second language.

Enago is the preferred partner for manuscript editing and publication support services for researchers and institutions all over the world. Since 2005, it has assisted over 2 million authors to publish their research in international high-impact journals.

Paris, 26th July 2018: EDP Sciences reports another robust performance in the 2017 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics, 2018.

Over half of the 21 EDP Sciences journals indexed show an increase in their Impact Factor, with 47% increasing by over 10%.

Journal highlights include:

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics increases its Impact Factor by 11% to 5.565, having continued to climb for the past three years. The journal remains in the top 10 in the Astronomy and Astrophysics category, and a leading source of original research, rated 10th out of 66 journals in the discipline.

  • Parasite maintains a strong Impact Factor of 2.069. The journal is ranked 18th out of 37 journals in the Parasitology category.

  • International Journal of Limnology and Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems both maintained a 5-year Impact Factor of above 1 (1.228 and 1.820 respectively). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems saw an Impact Factor increase of 25% when compared with last year.

“EDP Sciences is delighted to see the impact that our journals continue to make in the respective disciplines. Titles are growing and being cited consistently, with a cumulative increase in Impact Factor of 5% in the past year” remarked Agnès Henri, Managing Director at EDP Sciences. “EDP Sciences will continue to promote scientific excellence, supported by the hard work of the editorial teams and the contributing authors, who ensure the performance of our journals every year.

For more information on the EDP Sciences Impact Factors please contact Charlotte Van Rooyen (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

About EDP Sciences

EDP Sciences is a not-for-profit publisher, established in 1920, belonging to learned societies with a mission to participate in the dissemination of important research that accelerates scientific progress and cross-fertilisation of ideas of the society in general. EDP Sciences is located in Paris, London, and Shenzen and publishes over 55 scientific journals in the physical sciences, mathematics, life and environmental sciences, energy, materials and engineering, health and biomedical sciences. It also publishes 20 professional magazines, conference proceedings ( and books.

After a scene-setting editorial, and invited commentary on the Open Access and Open Science landscape, 4open has published a letter appraising current aspects of focus in cancer research.

Read “Pragmatic cancer approach – time to change?” by Mesut Tez on the 4open website.

4open is also featured in the latest issue of European Biotechnology,where Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Björn Brücher comments that “4open is a journal both for established teams and young researchers” and seeks “excellence in science.

4open is currently inviting submissions in the multi- and inter-disciplinary fields of natural sciences, technology, and medicine, including material sciences and engineering.

Visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article.

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce the Open Access publication of the first issue of the Journal of the Northwestern Polytechnical University.The journal was founded in 1957 and mainly publishes research results in aviation, aerospace, marine science and engineering technology. All articles are published in Chinese language.

Publishing the journal on the EDP Sciences platform will increase its visibility among an international audience. We hope that the journal will continue to develop, and that the research performed in the Northwestern Polytechnical University will be more easily accessed and shared by the global academic community.

La commission des publications de la Société Française de Physique en partenariat avec EDP Sciences réalise une enquête sur le peer-review.

Le résultat de cette enquête sera dévoilé lors des Journées de la Matière Condensée 2018 (JMC).

La commission Publications de la SFP propose à ses adhérents et à tous les congressistes des Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC) ayant une activité de "Peer Review" (évaluation par les pairs des publications scientifiques) de renseigner l'enquête ci-dessous. Elle vous invite également à venir échanger ensemble sur ce sujet le mercredi 29 aout prochain à Grenoble dans le cadre des JMC2018.

Enquete peer review

Le Peer Review fait partie du quotidien de chaque physicien, que ce soit en tant qu’auteur ou rapporteur. Aujourd’hui, la pratique traditionnelle pour publier un article de physique commence souvent par le dépôt du « preprint » sur ArXiV sans filtre de qualité, suivi par la soumission à une revue professionnelle, qui organise la relecture, souvent anonyme, par des pairs avant publication. Le Peer Review est considéré comme indispensable pour maintenir la qualité scientifique de nos publications, la carte de visite de nos travaux.

Mais le système actuel semble à bout du souffle et obsolète. Y-a-t-il trop de rapports à rédiger ? Les rapporteurs sont-ils sur-sollicités ? Leurs rapports sont-ils trop souvent biaisés ? La publication des grandes découvertes est-elle ralentie ou bloquée par les pairs-concurrents ?

La séance du 29 aout, organisée par la Commission Publications, permettra d’échanger sur les problèmes d’éthique, de science, et d’organisation liés au Peer Review avec le but de proposer des solutions modernes. Faut-il publier les rapports ? Divulguer le nom du rapporteur ? Remplacer le Peer Review par un blog sur le Web ?

Astronomy & astrophysics Journal

15th May 2018 marks the beginning of the 50th anniversary of Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)1,2. A year-long programme of events will begin today at the annual meeting of A&A Board of Directors at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching, Germany.

The anniversary marks a significant milestone for one of the leading original research journals in the field. Since its launch half a century ago as the fusion of 6 national journals and in collaboration with ESO, A&A has published nearly 650 volumes and special issues, disseminating the highest quality scientific research to the academic community. Since 2008, A&A has been also supporting early career researchers through its Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers residential seminars to provide guidance on writing for professional publications.

The anniversary will be marked by several events with a highlight at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Vienna, Austria (August 20th- 31st 2018).

1The member countries of A&A are: Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

2A&A is currently published by EDPS.

Happy Chinese New Year from EDP Sciences!
Warm thanks and greetings to all our Chinese Authors, Editors and Partners!

EDP Sciences科学传播出版社 谨贺 新春大吉

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that it has joined the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC).

The I4OC is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers, and other interested parties, to promote “the availability of data on citations that are structured, separable, and open”. This project promotes the unrestricted availability of citation data by asking publishers to ensure that references within academic articles are made publicly available. This then allows for references to be distributed without restriction through Crossref’s services, and made available to all.

This project aims to:

  • Create a global public web of linked scholarly citation data which will enhance the discoverability of published content.
  • Build new services over the open citation data, for the benefit of all key stakeholder groups: publishers, researchers, funders, academic institutions, and the general public.
  • Create a public citation graph to explore connections between disciplines and the evolution of ideas and new disciplines.

To read more about the initiative, the founding organizations, participating publishers, and the progress so far, visit the I4OC website.