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4open is pleased to announce a new special issue “Statistical Inference in Copular Models and Markov Processes, Case Studies and Insights”, guest edited by Verónica Andrea González-López.
“Tail conditional probabilities to predict academic performance”, the first article in this special issue, by Verónica Andrea González-López, Marina Capelari Piovesana, and Nicolas Romano, quantifies the ability to predict performance in certain subjects based on the University of Campinas’ entrance exam.
This special issue follows the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018) where, as part of a special collaborative issue,
ICNAAM 2018 brought together a diverse range of researchers in the field of computational and applied mathematics and presented the latest research and findings in this area.
4open is a multidisciplinary open access journal. 4open is published by EDP Sciences under the auspices of the Société Française de Physique, and in partnership with Theodor-Billroth-Academy® & International Consortium of Research Excellence of the TBA®.
4open encourages submissions in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including materials sciences and engineering.
If you are interested in submitting an article to 4open, please visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article.
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Paris, France 5 June 2019. EDP Sciences (EDPS) and the European Acoustics Association (EAA) are delighted to announce their partnership to publish Acta Acustica united with Acustica (AAuA) from January 2020. The partners are also pleased to announce that from this date there will be two additional major changes to the journal:
- The journal will become a fully gold open access journal ensuring the highest possible accessibility to quality research in the field of acoustics.
- The journal’s name will change (a further announcement will be made later this year).
The EAA’s journal (currently AAuA), is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing original scientific research on all subjects in the field of acoustics and on engineering applications. The editor-in-chief is Professor Jean Kergomard, the Director of Research at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, CNRS. The journal includes scientific papers, technical and applied papers, book reviews, short communications, doctoral thesis abstracts.and on occasion, special issues and review articles are published.
“The journal will become one of the first in the field of acoustics to be fully open access”, said Jorge Patrico, EAA President. “The growing demand for open access from both the scholarly community and the research funding bodies in light of Plan S, makes this the right time to make this change. We are extremely pleased to partner with EDP Sciences and excited about the opportunities to come with reinforcing the journal’s position as a leading voice in the field of acoustics”.
Claus Roll, Publishing Editor at EDPS, said, “At EDP Sciences we have a commitment to open access and we are greatly looking forward to a partnership with EAA and with their journal. It’s a privilege to work with such an esteemed organization as EAA in order to help their journal grow for its future in open access by providing acousticians with a global platform for sharing their work beyond the reach of the traditional research community, and supporting the open scholarship agenda.”
The journal will publish articles under a CC-BY license, enabling authors to be fully compliant with any open access requirements of funding organizations to which they apply. Members of EAA will receive a discount on the article processing charge, and acousticians of all countries are welcome to publish their results supported by granted projects in the journal.
About EAA
The European Acoustics Association (EAA) is a non-profit entity established in 1992 that includes in its membership societies predominantly in European countries interested in promoting the development and progress of acoustics in its different aspects, its technologies and applications. The EAA gathers 33 acoustics societies and serves more than 9000 individual members all over Europe. The European Acoustics Association (EAA) is an Affiliate Member of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) and of Initiative of Science in Europe, ISE.
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences is a not-for-profit publisher with nearly 100 years of history. Established in 1920 by the French Physics Society and several renowned scientists and industrialists including Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin and Marie Curie, EDP Sciences is still owned by learned societies and has a mission to participate in the dissemination of important research that accelerates scientific progress and cross-fertilisation of ideas of the society in general. EDP Sciences publishes over 70 scientific journals in the physical sciences, applied mathematics, materials and engineering, life and environmental sciences, health and biomedical sciences. It also publishes open access conference proceedings and books . More information about EDP Sciences.
For more information contact:
Claus Roll
Publishing Editor – EDP Sciences
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phone: +33 (0)6 72 60 96 57
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Oyster reefs are among the most endangered marine habitats on earth and restoration projects are gaining momentum in Europe.
The open access review article "The Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA) and the Berlin Oyster Recommendation: Bringing back a key ecosystem engineer by developing and supporting best practice in Europe" presents relevant recommendations for the implementation of restoration measures and provides a synthesis of current European projects.
“The native European Oyster Ostrea edulis once covered vast areas of the open North Sea and other European coastal waters. As an ecosystem engineer it built biogenic reefs and played a key ecological role for the wider ecosystem by providing many essential ecosystem services.”
NORA represents nature conservation, science, oyster growers and other stakeholders and will facilitate knowledge exchange for the benefit of enhancing biodiversity. The network was established in 2017, during an international workshop on oyster restoration in Berlin. Its second conference was held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 21-23 May 2019 , with over 140 participants.
Aquatic Living Resources is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers, review articles and prospective notes dealing with all exploited (i.e. fished or farmed) living resources in marine, brackish and freshwater environments. Visit Aquatic Living Resources online to read the instructions for authors and submit your paper; sign up for email-alerts or to recommend the journal to a colleague.
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4open is pleased to announce the new special issue “Advances in Researches of Quaternion Algebras”, guest edited by Dr. Ivan Kyrchei.
This special issue follows the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018) where, as part of a special collaborative issue, 4open welcomed submissions developed from research presented at this conference.
ICNAAM 2018 brought together a diverse range of researchers in the field of computational and applied mathematics and presented the latest research and findings in this area.
4open is a multidisciplinary open access journal. 4open is published by EDP Sciences under the auspices of the Société Française de Physique, and in partnership with Theodor-Billroth-Academy® & International Consortium of Research Excellence of the TBA®.
4open encourages submissions in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including material sciences and engineering.
If you are interested in submitting an article to 4open, please visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article.
Benefits of publishing with 4open include:
- Highly downloaded articles
- Liberty APC
- Regular special issues
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EDP Sciences is pleased to announce the successful candidate for its sponsorship of an international librarian to attend the SLA 2019 Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. The successful candidate is Muhumuza Emmy from Busitema University,Uganda.
In addition to attending the conference, Muhumuza will become a member of the SLA and join the Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Division for one year. He will also participate in the PAM International Relations Committee for one year.
“We are really thrilled to be helping a librarian who would never have the funds, and therefore the opportunity, to attend the SLA. Not only are we giving $1000 to support travel costs, we are also covering Muhumuza’s registration costs to the conference and as a member of SLA.” commented Charlotte Van Rooyen, Head of International Marketing at EDP Sciences. Charlotte will also attend the conference and looks forward to the Annual Business Meeting and Breakfast where Muhumuza and EDP Sciences will be recognized.
In response to the application question ‘What do you hope to gain from attending the 2019 SLA conference?’ Muhumuza responded:
“As an Electronic Resources librarian involved in training library users on how to access and use these resources, and more so my campus having science disciplines on its programs, attending this conference will enable me add more knowledge and skills in serving the library clientele efficiently. This will also be a platform for me to interact and network with participants from different science based institutions, learn about their cultures and how they serve their users.”
EDP Sciences would like to congratulate Muhumuza and wishes him a successful conference.
There was a second, successful candidate who, unfortunately, had to withdraw due to personal circumstances. EDP Sciences will continue to offer two sponsored places each year.
For further information, please contact Charlotte Van Rooyen (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.)
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4open is pleased to announce the new special issue “Mathematical Models”, guest edited by Dr. Fernanda Ferreira and Dr. Flávio Ferreira.
This special issue follows the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018) where, as part of a special collaborative issue, 4open welcomed submissions developed from research presented at this conference.
ICNAAM 2018 brought together a diverse range of researchers in the field of computational and applied mathematics and presented the latest research and findings in this area.
4open is a multidisciplinary open access journal. 4open is published by EDP Sciences under the auspices of the Société Française de Physique, and in partnership with Theodor-Billroth-Academy® & Int’l Consortium of Research Excellence of the TBA®.
4open encourages submissions in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including material sciences and engineering.
If you are interested in submitting an article to 4open, please visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article. Benefits of publishing with 4open include:
- Highly downloaded articles
- Liberty APC
- Regular special issues
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Last year we congratulated the authors of New advances in the laboratory characterization of refractories: testing and modelling for winning the 2018 Alfred W. Allen Award. The authors are: Jacques Poirier, Eric Blond, Emmanuel de Bilbao, Rudy Michel, Antoine Coulon, Jean Gillibert, Michel Boussuge, Yang Zhang, David Ryckelynk, Gilles Dusserre, Thierry Cutard, and Paul Leplay.
In March, Professor Jacques Poirier of Polytech Orléans received the award at the American Ceramic Society's 55th Annual Symposium. EDP Sciences’ publishing editor, Ariana Fuga commented “I am delighted to congratulate Professor Poirier and all the authors once again.”
The Alfred W. Allen Award of the American Ceramic Society was established to “honour the legacy of an educator, technical contributor and supporter of the Refractory Ceramics Division”. The award committee biennially selects the author(s) of the paper which reflects the highest level of technical quality in the refractory ceramics field.
Metallurgical Research & Technology (MRT) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal publishing original high-quality research papers in areas ranging from process metallurgy to metal product properties and applications of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, including light-metals. To find out more or submit an article, please visit the Metallurgical Research & Technology website.
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This is the third free article in the new ‘Key summaries’ series from 4open. The article offers an easy to understand description of the special issue: Disruption of homeostasis-induced signaling and crosstalk in the carcinogenesis paradigm “Epistemology of the origin of cancer” by Björn Brücher and Ijaz Jamall. This was recently published in 4open and reveals the robust evidence for their new hypothesis about the origins of most cancers.
The ‘Key summaries’ article uses non-technical language to help non-experts and other interested groups understand, in this instance, how cancer begins, develops and spreads.
“The hypothesis proposes that a chain of events underlies the vast majority of cancers... This concept will radically change how we perceive and treat cancer, and even allow us to prevent cancer in the first instance.”
Read the ‘Key summaries’ article - “New research challenges current thinking on cancer”
Read the original articles of the special issue “here”
Key Summaries are brought to you in collaboration with SciencePOD
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This is the second free article in the new ‘Key summaries’ series from 4open. The article offers an easy to understand version of “German nursing shortage in hospitals - Homemade by Profititis?” by Björn Brücher and Daniela Deufert; a study recently published in 4open which examines the causes and consequences of a nurse shortage in German hospitals.
The ‘Key summaries’ article uses non-technical language to help non-experts and other interested groups understand, in this instance, “What is the primary role of healthcare – to make profits or care for patients?”
“The authors argue that business culture in healthcare has resulted in untenable staff cuts in the name of savings, and a heavy and largely unnecessary paperwork burden for staff.”
Read the ‘Key summaries’ article - “Pursuit of profit underlies German nursing shortage”
Read the original article - “German nursing shortage in hospitals - Homemade by Profititis?”
Key Summaries are brought to you in collaboration with SciencePOD
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Deux articles publiés dans des revues d’EDP Sciences,EPJ Applied Physics et Mechanics & Industry ont reçu le label «highly cited paper» sur Web of Science, à partir de données d’Essential Science IndicatorsSM. Seuls les 1% des articles ayant reçu le plus de citations atteignent ce statut.
Essential Science IndicatorsSM, hébergé sur la plate-forme InCites, identifie les articles les plus cités et partage ces données avec la base Web of Science de Clarivate Analytics. Les « highly cited papers » font partie de la tranche 1 % supérieure de chacun des 22 domaines d'ESI et sont définis comme suit: «… cet article très cité a reçu suffisamment de citations pour le placer dans le 1% supérieur de son domaine universitaire, sur la base d'un seuil pour ce domaine et l’année de publication. "
«Recent advances in the understanding of homogeneous dielectric barrier discharges» (Massines et al., 2009), publié dans EPJ Applied Physics, aborde la physique des décharges de barrière diélectrique homogènes à la pression atmosphérique ainsi que les mécanismes contrôlant l'homogénéité lors de la décomposition du gaz et du développement de la décharge.
Lire l'article ici
«The Onera elsA CFD software: input from research and feedback from industry» (Cambier et al., 2013), publié dans Mechanics & Industry, présente les avancées récentes concernant le logiciel Onera elsA CFD, issu de la recherche et de l'industrie, pour une large gamme d'applications aérospatiales.
Lire l'article ici
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