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Are you a first time academic research conference organiser looking for an Open Access platform to publish your proceedings?
Have you been through the process already but are looking for a more streamlined workflow for your next event, or more discoverability for your proceedings once they are published?
Web of Conferences can help and the team have created a useful illustration of the most frequently asked questions to show how serious they are about getting you to the finish line quickly and efficiently.
As an international publisher with nearly a century of history in publishing only the highest quality science EDP Sciences knows that there can be many obstacles along the way and is ready to help you overcome them. Highly personal service ensures that the team stands out from other providers, working with conference organisers to achieve optimal discoverability and recognition for their members' work.
View the full cartoon here
Web of Conferences is an EDP Sciences Open Access platform devoted to the publication of scientific conference proceedings. The platform offers high quality services for the publication and dissemination of conference proceedings in the areas of Physics and Astronomy, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Sciences.
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L’article « Objectif sourire : et si l'on s'intéressait aux lèvres ? » publié dans la revue " Orthodontie française " a obtenu le premier prix dans la catégorie « Meilleur article de formation pour les chirurgiens-dentistes » au Grand Prix Éditorial 2018 de la Presse Médicale & des Professions de Santé organisé par le SPEPS le 21 novembre à Paris.
Crédits photos: © AXIMAGE
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4open - EDP Sciences’ multi- and inter-disciplinary Open Access Journal - continues to expand with the publication of its first article in chemistry. The article – “Characterization and modelling of the polarization phenomenon to describe salt rejection by nanofiltration” by Yassine Mdemagh et al. is free to access on the 4open website.
Presenting a new model to determine the thickness of the polarization’s boundary layer and the concentration of polarization, this article explores the application of dead-end filtration to the concept of nanofiltration used in water treatment.
4open is published by EDP Sciences under the auspices of the Société Française de Physique, and in partnership with Theodor-Billroth-Academy® & Int’l Consortium of Research Excellence of the TBA®.
The Journal encourages submissions in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including material sciences and engineering.
Visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article.
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EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that two key metamaterials journals – part of the European Physical Journal series - have been indexed in leading, multi-and inter- disciplinary bibliographic databases.
Both EPJ Applied Metamaterials and EPJ Photovoltaics are now indexed in Scopus and EPJ AM is now also indexed in EI Compendex.
- Click to read the EPJ Applied Metamaterials news
- Click to read the EPJ Photovoltaics news
Ariana Fuga, Senior Publishing Editor at EDP Sciences expressed her delight at the new indexations, commenting that:
“A new journal indexation is always cause for celebration amongst our editorial team. It shows that the hard work of every contributor – from editors, to reviewers, and authors themselves – is being recognised and that the Journal is seen as an authoritative voice in the discipline, and will be more widely discoverable as a result."
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16th October 2018 – EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that Anne Ruimy has joined the editorial team as Publishing Editor, overseeing EDPS’ journal publishing portfolio in mathematics and computer science.
Anne brings her extensive experience in the publishing industry, including several years of copyediting for French researchers and as Journal Manager at Elsevier, where she was responsible for overseeing the editorial process and production for a wide variety of scientific, technical and medical journals. In her previous publishing roles she has worked on numerous projects across the research publication cycle - working to scale up and streamline workflows. Anne has also self-published her own environmental magazine.
Agnés Henri, Managing Director, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Anne to our team. Anne’s experience in project and journal management will benefit EDP Sciences enormously as the company increases engagement with early career researchers across the globe, encouraging them to publish, and supporting them throughout the process.”
Anne Ruimy added, “I’m looking forward to contributing to the international development of the EDP Sciences journal programme internationally. The company’s strong presence across the spectrum of the sciences, as well as its strong connections in Europe and China makes it an exciting and vibrant organisation to be part of. On a personal level, I’m enjoying being back in the area where I did my PhD thesis in ecology at Paris-Sud University, over 20 years ago.”
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences is a not-for-profit publisher, established in 1920, belonging to learned societies with a mission to participate in the dissemination of important research. EDP Sciences, located in Paris, publishes over 55 scientific journals in the physical sciences, mathematics, life and environmental sciences, energy, materials and engineering, health and biomedical sciences.
For more information about EDP Sciences please visit
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As part of a special collaborative issue, 4open is now welcoming contributions developed from research presented at the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2018
4open encourages all contributing authors to develop their conference presentations into full papers that explore the research presented at the international meeting. The submission platform opens on the 15th September 2018, and articles will be published in early 2019. The issue will be edited by 4open Editor-in-Chief, Professor Theodore E. Simos.
ICNAAM 2018, held from 13th-18th September in Rhodes, Greece, brings together a diverse range of researchers in the field of computational and applied mathematics. The meeting allows researchers to discuss and share the latest research and findings in numerical analysis and applied mathematics.
Find out how to submit your paper to 4open here.
4open is an Open Access multi- and inter-disciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality content adhering to excellence in all disciplines of science and research, including materials and engineering. All papers will be subject to full peer-review upon submission.
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Peer reviewers are essential to EDP Sciences’ community. Check out our interviews with journal editors to hear their thoughts on the challenges in promoting diversity and inclusion in peer review.
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4open is pleased to support the initiative outlined in ASAPbio’s open letter to help improve transparency within peer review. Open peer review is one of the four key pillars upon which 4open is built, as the Journal believes it encourages a more holistic view of a published piece of work, allowing for more thorough critical evaluation.
In February 2018, members of the scholarly publishing community assembled to discuss upcoming advances regarding peer review techniques at The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Headquarters. This meeting resulted in the agreement that publishing peer review reports will improve the transparency of the publishing process.
Read a summary of the event here.
4open will implement this change in peer review policy early in 2019, enabling authors and peer reviewers to opt in or out of open peer review reports.
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4open continues its publication of multi- and inter-disciplinary science with its first article in biology. The article – “Visual gene network analysis of aging-specific gene co-expression in human indicates overlaps with immuno-pathological regulations” by Bibhu Parida et al, is free to access on the 4open website
This article examines the complex process of aging to identify a set of candidate genes that are involved in organism aging processes, using a microarray meta-analysis approach.
4open is published by EDP Sciences under the auspices of the Société Française de Physique, and in partnership with Theodor-Billroth-Academy® & Int'l Consortium of Research Excellence of the TBA®.
The Journal welcomes submissions in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology, including material sciences and engineering.
Visit the 4open website to read the instructions for authors instructions for authors and submit your article.
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Italian mathematician, Professor Alessio Figalli, has recently been awarded a 2018 Fields Medal for his work on partial differential equations and calculus of variations. The Fields Medalis awarded every 4 years by the International Mathematical Union to the most accomplished mathematicians under the age of 40.
EDP Sciences would like to congratulate Professor Figalli on this prestigious award that stands alongside a multitude of achievements acknowledged in his career over the past decade.
EDP Sciences had the pleasure of publishing several pieces of his earlier work in ESAIM: COCV, which are all freely accessible to read following the links below.
2011 - Local semiconvexity of Kantorovich potentials on non-compact manifolds