EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (EPJ N) is pleased to announce the completion of the topical issue, “Progress in the Science and Technology of Nuclear Reactors using Molten Salts”, guest edited by Jan Leen Kloosterman (TU Delft), Elsa Merle (LPSC-IN2P3-CNRS, UJF, Grenoble INP) and Jean Ragusa (Texas A&M University). The two remaining articles and editorial have been published open access bringing the topical issue to a close.

“Molten salt reactor research and development activities are on a clear, upward trend across the globe, including in China, Europe, the Russian Federation, and the USA… The progress in the EU SAMOFAR project and the US NUSTEM project has inspired us to assemble this special issue of EPJ-N with an overview of research in various fields connected to FHR [Fluoride-salt cooled High temperature Reactors] and MSR [Molten Salt Reactors].” – J.L. Kloosterman et al.

Read the editorial.

The special issue covers a wide range of disciplines and topics, including safeguards, high-end modeling and simulation, reactor and component design, and fuel cycle assessment. It is also presented in a ‘key summary’ article - a non-technical version aimed at non-experts.

EPJ N is an open access journal published by EDP Sciences and edited in partnership with the French Nuclear Energy Society and the European Nuclear Society. The Editors-in-Chief are Gilles Moutiers and Anne Nicolas both based at the CEA, Nuclear Energy Division, France.

EPJ N encourages submissions of original research, ideas and developments in all areas of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, as well as on applications of nuclear particles and radiation.

If you are interested in submitting an article to EPJ N, please visit the EPJ N website to read the instructions for authors and submit your article. You can also sign up for email-alerts to stay up to date with new articles.