Paris, France, 1 July 2021: In the latest Journal Citation Reports ™ (JCR) from Clarivate, every eligible* EDP Sciences journal indexed in Web of Science ™ has received an increased impact factor. Overall, there is a 32% increase for the twenty one journals compared to last year. Individual increases range from a modest rise to an impressive 225%. We recognise that impact factors are but one way to measure quality, nevertheless, they continue to be widely-used and recognised and therefore remain significant.

“This is a remarkable achievement and the first time we have the pleasure of reporting an increase across the board,” commented Agnès Henri, Managing Director, EDP Sciences. “I am thrilled that the research published in our world-class journals is being cited and that our authors and journals are receiving the recognition they deserve. My thanks and congratulations to all involved.”

Last year, in response to the pandemic, EDP Sciences took the decision to open all of its content from March to August to support researchers and academics. This decision, together with the impact of Subscribe-to-Open (S2O), may well have contributed to some of this year’s results.

Increasing by more than 100%

Three journals have increased by over 100%, namely:

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) 153% (from 1.642 to 4.157) following a 73% increase last year. It is now ranked 13/108 in “Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications”, 6/265 in “Mathematics, Applied” and 10/58 in “Mathematical & Computational Biology” – all Q1.

RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and Applications 215% (from 0.138 to 0.435).

BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 225% (from 0.579 to 1.879).

Mathematics in the spotlight

The two Mathematics journals – MMNP and RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and Applications – are joined by:

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations which increased by 37%.

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis which increased by 27%.

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics which increased by 45%.

RAIRO-Operations Research which increased by 36%.

All these journals are transitioning to open access under a Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model. MMNP was the first to make the change last year and its archives were available in free access during 2020. We therefore believe S2O has likely contributed to its impressive increase. With the other maths journals following suit, it is hoped and expected that citations will continue to increase for these journals as long as they remain open access with the continued support of subscribers.

Astronomy & Astrophysics

With an increase from 5.636 to 5.802, Astronomy & Astrophysics remains one of the leading original research journals in the field. Its special issues are particularly valued by the community and include Gaia Data Release 2 which has contributed to this year’s excellent impact factor.

Other big gains

We are pleased to report that some of our specialist journals have performed particularly well.

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate from 3.095 to 3.584

JSWSC recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and this is a fitting endorsement of a decade of achievement which recently saw JSWSC awarded the DOAJ Seal for “best practice in open access publishing”.

Parasite from 2.050 to 3.000

An increase of a full point in one year is indeed testament to the tireless work and enthusiasm of Jean-Lou Justine, Editor-in-Chief, and his editorial team. Parasite was also recently awarded the DOAJ Seal for “best practice in open access publishing”.

Aquatic Living Resources from 1.026 to 1.885

The rise and rise of Aquatic Living Resources shows how an active editorial team which engages its authors and reviewers can bear excellent results. Its core scope addressing oceans and climate change is, of course, very timely.

Radioprotection from 0.541 to 1.015

Radioprotection publishes articles on all aspects of radiological protection. With content in both English and French, it is very satisfying to see a multi-language journal doing so well.

We should also mention Metallurgical Research & Technology which increased from 0.646 to 1.035 and Cahiers Agricultures which rose from 0.770 to 1.053 both moving above 1.000 for the first time.

* Excluding Acta Acustica which is still undergoing a name change and will be eligible from next year.

About EDP Sciences

EDP Sciences was established in 1920 by a prestigious academic community of French learned societies seeking to inspire, innovate and inform others by sharing their knowledge. Members of this community included eminent scientists like Marie Curie, Paul Langevin and Louis de Broglie.

Today, EDP Sciences publishes high-quality scientific journals, conferences proceeding, books and magazines in a broad range of scientific, technical and medical disciplines.

Since November 2019, EDP Sciences is owned by Science Press which is itself majority-owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CAS is a prestigious learned society and the world’s largest research organisation. EDP Sciences has always been, and continues to be, the publishing partner of scientific communities throughout the world.


For more information please contact

Charlotte Van Rooyen

Director of Marketing and Communications

EDP Sciences

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