EDP Sciences and SMAI Subscribe-to-Open mathematics programme receives support from the CNRS
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Paris, France, 15 March 2022: We are pleased to announce that the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France) has pledged to support the EDP Sciences and SMAI Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) mathematics programme with a financial contribution. The S2O mathematics programme has been developed with the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) with which EDP Sciences publishes a number of maths journals. Together with the funding awarded by the Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte last year, the CNRS contribution will be used to help all the journals included in the programme to continue publishing in open access despite challenging economic conditions.
“Opening science and making the results of CNRS research groups freely available to the whole international scientific community can only strengthen the position of CNRS as a major contributor to the building of knowledge in all domains, and in applied mathematics in particular”, stated Alain Schuhl, Chief Research Officer, CNRS. “CNRS has published its Roadmap for Open Science and believes in supporting equitable and sustainable open access models. The Subscribe-to-Open maths programme is an open science excellent initiative that doesn’t rely on article processing charges.”
The grant for 2021-2024 will be used in three main areas: communications, subscriptions management, and support for publication costs. EDP Sciences and SMAI will be able to engage libraries throughout the world on the subject of S2O in order to foster understanding and support. The grant will also allow them to pursue long-term partnerships which will help to sustain the model and allow it to evolve and thrive. The success of these journals and the appeal of open access is attracting a growing number of authors and articles. Therefore, the funding will help EDP Sciences and SMAI to manage this growth while keeping subscription prices low.
“This is a real boost to SMAI’s work with its partner, EDP Sciences, to promote fair open access through S2O,” commented Amandine Véber, Director of Publications, SMAI. “With the support of the CNRS, which is such a major player in research activities both in France and beyond, I am confident that maths researchers are looking at a bright, open access future. This support also reflects the very strong interest and support of the whole French mathematical community, which made the development of our Subscribe-to-Open model possible.”
“Subscribe-to-Open is still a relative newcomer to the range of open access models and therefore requires more work to aid understanding and acceptance,” commented Agnès Henri, Managing Director, EDP Sciences. “With this generous financial contribution from the CNRS, we will be able to help international libraries better understand S2O and secure their support for journals that have chosen this route. Although communications will focus on the S2O model implemented by EDP Sciences and SMAI, the process will also raise awareness of the model more generally and thus contribute to the development of open and fair publishing models on an international scale.”
About Subscribe-to-Open
Subscribe-to-Open (S20) is one of the transformative models that aims to move subscription journals to open access. S2O was initiated by Annual Reviews and has been endorsed by cOAlition S. It has been embraced by a number of publishers who have come together in the S2O Community of Practice. This innovative model has quickly become an accepted approach for achieving fair and sustainable open access and builds on collaborative initiatives such as SCOAP3 and Knowledge Unlatched.
About EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences was established in 1920 by a prestigious academic community of French learned societies seeking to inspire, innovate and inform others by sharing their knowledge. Members of this community included eminent scientists like Marie Curie, Paul Langevin and Louis de Broglie.
Since November 2019, EDP Sciences is owned by Science Press which is itself majority-owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CAS is a prestigious learned society and the world’s largest research organisation. EDP Sciences has always been, and continues to be, the publishing partner of scientific communities throughout the world.
EDP Sciences is a long-established open access publisher and the publisher for the National Open Access Agreement in France. As an early adopter of S2O (Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena was the first mathematics journal in the world to adopt the S2O model) and an active member of the S2O Community of Practice, it is an effective and influential champion of open access and open science.
About CNRS
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.
The CNRS is entrusted by the French state to advance knowledge for the benefit of society. In November 2019, the CNRS presented its Roadmap for Open Science which addresses the following main areas:
- open access for scientific publications
- sharing scientific data
- developing and promoting data mining tools for scientific content
- individual assessment of researchers
At that time, only 50% of scientific publications involving CNRS researchers were freely accessible.
About SMAI
The Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) was founded in 1983 by French applied mathematicians who were aware of the specialist nature of their subject and who wished to support its expansion and development.
The aim of the Society is to contribute to the development of applied mathematics through research, applications in business and industry, publications, the teaching and training of researchers and engineers.
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EDP Sciences