As we slowly start to resume our pre-pandemic routines, we are heartened that the efforts of scientists to advance science for the betterment of society are more widely recognised and applauded than ever before. Reviewers, those oft-unsung heroes of publishing, play a vital role in keeping science ‘honest’. Peer Review Week therefore reminds us to pause for a moment, to thank our reviewers and to reflect on their contribution to understanding and tackling the challenges we face. Without doubt, “good peer review, whatever shape or form it might take, is critical to scholarly communications.”

Peer Review Week 2021 is celebrating its seventh year with a focus on ‘Identity in Peer Review’. We are pleased to support its aims of emphasizing the central role peer review plays in scholarly communication; showcasing the work of editors and reviewers; sharing research and advancing best practices; and highlighting the latest innovations and applications.

Science Publishing Masterclasses

“Understanding the process of peer review and getting research published is daunting for young scientists.” (Anne Ruimy, Senior Publisher, EDP Sciences)

One way in which EDP Sciences supports peer review excellence, is through its Science Publishing Masterclasses which help early career researchers and PhD students to better understand scholarly publishing. Participants focus on writing and peer reviewing scientific articles as a way of developing and improving their technique. To do this, they use NESTOR, the online submission system from EDP Sciences (in which ORCID was fully integrated earlier this year).

During the Masterclasses, participants learn about different types of peer review and peer review etiquette and receive reviewing tips. They then put the theory into practice by submitting an article, assigning it for review, reviewing an article and then submitting a report. Other students choose Emergent Scientist for their first peer review or publishing experience, the first open access scientific journal that offers hands-on training for students.

EDP Open Books

Very often, when we think of peer review, we immediately think of journals. However, we shouldn’t forget books. EDP Open Books is a comprehensive, open access publishing solution which includes rigorous peer review. High level peer review standards are applied to manuscripts according to best practices and established ethical principles. Authors value the feedback from reviewers and support “the essential role that peer review plays in maintaining scientific quality.”

Looking ahead

“Peer Review Week is a real highlight of the scholarly calendar and the themes are always well-chosen and thought-provoking,” commented France Citrini, Associate Publishing Director, EDP Sciences. “It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge and thank our peer reviewers for their dedication and service. They are a vital part of the team effort.”

We would like to thank all our reviewers for their tireless work during another challenging year. Their help to review and publish content as quickly as possible has been remarkable and, once again, highlights the invaluable expertise and tireless energy of our reviewers.