News & Highlights
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It is with great sadness that we learnt of the death of Costel Subran who was very dear to us all at EDP Sciences.
Costel was a member of the EDP Sciences Board of Directors for several years, providing us with his expert and sympathetic view. He was also responsible for some of our most beautiful books, such as "La lumière en lumière" or "LumièreS", a magnificent work that was a finalist for the Roberval 2021 Prize.
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We recently worked with Gaia Donati, freelance SciencePOD writer, on an Analysis & Opinion article for Research Information. We gave her complete access to the Journal de Physique archives and invited her to explore and comment on what she found. Her powerful observations and sensitive conclusions are captured in Discovery through multi-lingual science archives.
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National Science Open (NSO) is a new, open access, interdisciplinary journal that disseminates the most influential research of profound impact in advancing human knowledge, covering the full arc of natural sciences and engineering. Papers with transformative originality and pivotal development in multidisciplinary area, or their distinctive fields are published in this journal with fair, rigorous review, and fast production.
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EDP Sciences and TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology have renewed their joint Open Access-Agreement for 2022, offering attractive discounts on publication charges for articles by corresponding authors affiliated with academic institutions across Germany.
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EDP Sciences is a partner of the Colloquium organised on 9 February by the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, on the theme of 'Chemistry and Notre-Dame, science in the service of a resurrection'.
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Paris, France, 9 November 2021: When EDP Sciences became a part of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (CSPM) in November 2019, it was agreed that close links would be maintained between EDP Sciences and its former shareholders, Société Française de Physique (SFP), Société Chimique de France (SCF), Société Française d’Optique (SFO) and Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI). A Scientific Advisory Committee was therefore proposed. We are pleased to announce that the EDP Sciences Scientific Advisory Committee has now been established thereby formalising the links with EDP Sciences’ former society co-owners.
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We are pleased to report that EDP Sciences has signed a transformative agreement with the Dutch university TU Delft. The agreement covers 2022-2024 and allows corresponding authors from TU Delft to publish a number of open access articles each year in any EDP Sciences journal without paying article processing charges (APCs).
International Open Access Week 2021 - “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”
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Our annual round up of all things open access at EDP Sciences – part two
Partnerships for open access
Our partners are very important and really do contribute to “strength in numbers”. One of those is OASPA which was instrumental in the launch of the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) last year of which we became a supporting publisher from the start. A year on and almost 100 publishers have signed up.
International Open Access Week 2021 - “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”
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Our annual round up of all things open access at EDP Sciences – part one
We are pleased to support International Open Access Week which this year addresses “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”. And it really does matter... Fortunately, a number of choices are available to us in open access publishing, some of which, we would argue, offer a better path to structural equity than others.
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With the continued support of subscribers, Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) journal will be published open access in 2022 under a Subscribe-to-Open model.
Paris, 19 October 2021: The A&A Board of Directors has announced that their journal will move to a Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model. If libraries renew their subscriptions, A&A will be published in full open access in 2022. Since its launch in 1969, A&A has been publishing pioneering, peer reviewed scientific content. The transition to open access will extend access of its high-quality research to a worldwide audience – furthering the field of astronomy and astrophysics. Library subscriptions, together with substantial contributions from the A&A sponsoring countries, will cover publication and editorial costs and enable content to become open access.