News & Highlights
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We are proud to highlight that Web of Conferences, the open access platform devoted to the publication of scientific conference proceedings, has received outstanding feedback from conference organisers regarding publication times in 2020. Indeed, for many, this is now one of the main reasons for choosing Web of Conferences
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It is with great pleasure that we are able to share news of a recent award to Daniel Lincot, Director of Research at the CNRS, Institut Photovoltaïque d'Ile de France (IPVF) and Co-Editor-in-Chief of EPJ Photovoltaics. The prestigious ‘Prix Ivan Peychès’ has been given annually since 1979 to "reward work relating to applications in the study of non-metallic materials, particularly vitreous materials or solar energy or, failing that, in the field of applied sciences".
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As we approach the end of a difficult 2020, EDP Sciences is pleased to host the fourth scientific writing masterclass with the Université Paris Saclay. Taking place online 14-15 December 2020, this masterclass aims to support distance learning for researchers and PhD students in the engineering and materials science discipline.
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Paris, France, 3 December 2020: EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) are delighted to learn that SMAI’s application for funding from the Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO) has been successful. SMAI and EDP Sciences can therefore press ahead with plans to transition the maths journals1 they publish in partnership to open access under the Subscribe to Open model with the necessary financial support to give this initiative the best possible chance of success.
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EPJ Web of Conferences is pleased to welcome to its platform the proceedings from ND 2019: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, at which scientists and engineers were invited “to present their achievements, share their insights and facilitate potential cooperation”.
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The agreement offers Jisc members a special rate and the chance to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to open access by supporting ‘Subscribe to Open’ journals
Paris, France, 10 November 2020: EDP Sciences is pleased to announce an exciting partnership with Jisc, the membership organisation providing digital solutions for UK education and research. From 1 January 2021, for a fixed, discounted price, the ‘EDP Sciences Flexible Maths Journals Package 2021-2023’ offers online read access to four (out of six) maths journals, with no fees to publish and a green compliant option for all Plan S funded articles.
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Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) is pleased to announce that all articles from the “Coronavirus: Scientific insights and societal aspects” special issue can now be accessed in HTML and ePUB formats, in addition to the traditional PDF format. With these additional formats, we are making research on mathematical modelling of the Covid-19 epidemic more easily accessible to researchers, students, and the public alike.
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EDP Sciences is thrilled with the completion of its third scientific writing workshop in partnership with Paris Saclay University earlier this month. This workshop, aimed at PhD students in chemistry, was the first fully online scientific writing masterclass conducted. With 13 participants joining remotely, EDP Sciences is pleased that the workshop was a success.
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Web of Conferences broadens its comprehensive conference proceedings package to include video presentations
Web of Conferences is pleased to offer conference organisers online video publication as part of its conference proceedings publication service. Complementary transcription and translation options are also available on request, as well as video editing and segmentation to enrich metadata. This is a new departure for Web of Conferences in association with Cadmore Media, the expert in video streaming for scholarly publishing. Cadmore Media extends a wealth of experience providing video content with DOIs, descriptive metadata, and full search-text.
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Acta Acustica, the journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), opens its first special issue since its relaunch as an open access journal in January 2020. Editors are seeking submissions on the topic of “Auditory models: from binaural processing to multimodal cognition”. The deadline for submissions is March 2021. Articles will be published as soon as they are available.