News & Highlights
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EPJ Applied Physics (EPJ AP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Suzanne Giorgio and Professor Damien Jacob as the journal’s new Editors-in-Chief. They have already started work at the journal taking over from Professor Virginie Serin and Professor Luis Viña who served tirelessly from 2015.
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Now more than ever, EDP Sciences seeks to connect with the international scientific community via all available means. We are therefore excited to announce that we are actively using WeChat, amongst other social media platforms.
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We are delighted to welcome three new members of staff in the EDP Sciences Beijing office. Since EDP Sciences joined forces with Science Press last year, gradual steps have been taken to expand its operations in China. One of the first steps has been to recruit colleagues who are experts locally and who will support both editorial and marketing activities throughout China. We are therefore pleased to introduce:
- Dr. Yuqing Lin, Publisher
- Yang Liu (Iris), Marketing Manager
- Dr. Yuanyuan Liu (Gloria), Publisher
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EDP Sciences is delighted to share the results for its journals of the 2020 journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics. Twenty-one EDP Sciences journals have received an Impact Factor, with almost two-thirds showing an increase in 2019. Overall, an increase of almost 3.5% has been recorded on last year and almost 11.5% on the year before.
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EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (EPJ N) is pleased to present the new topical issue “INSIDER”, guest edited by Laura Aldave De Las Heras, Nuclear Safety & Security Directorate, European Commission, and Danièle Roudil, CEA and University of Montpellier.
The Horizon 2020 Euratom European project 'Improved Nuclear Site characterisation for waste minimisation in Decommissioning and Dismantling operations under constrained Environment' (INSIDER) was launched in June 2017, spanning 4 years. The project aims to improve the management of nuclear waste with medium or high radioactivity levels from nuclear sites under decommissioning and dismantling, or other constrained environments.
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Paris, France, 21 July 2020: On 21 July 1920, a group of far-sighted scientists and industrialists came together to create La Société du Journal de Physique et Le Radium which, over time, became EDP Sciences. They included Marie Curie, Louis de Broglie, Paul Langevin, Jean Perrin, Louis Lumière and Antoine Béclère. Today, despite the challenging circumstances of our anniversary year, we are proud to mark this historic milestone with the release of our anniversary film, “Pour ‘l’amour de notre science’ – one hundred years of publishing excellence”.
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We are pleased to announce that Acta Acustica, the Journal of the European Acoustics Association, has just been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) where it joins over 12000 other high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. These journals cover all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. This is a great step forwards for Acta Acustica which became the first acoustics journal of a learned society to transition to open access at the beginning of 2020. Indexation in the DOAJ means Acta Acustica is in compliance with the open access policy of the DOAJ and meets all the strict criteria required for inclusion.
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NESTOR offers easier, faster, safer submissions with full video integration by Cadmore Media
EDP Sciences is proud to announce the launch of its brand-new submission system NESTOR (New Editorial System Tool for Research) with full video integration provided by Cadmore Media. Over the course of the past year, NESTOR has been developed entirely in-house by a small, talented team. Both the speed and quality of the project are impressive which delivers an innovative solution based on best practice and evolving needs. All aspects of the system have been carefully considered and crafted to facilitate processes for editors, authors and reviewers.
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Paris, France, 7 July 2020: EDP Sciences is pleased to announce an exciting development in its commitment to open access. Following the successful transition of Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) to open access under the Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot earlier this year, a further five maths journals will transition to open access under this model from January 2021. The journals are:
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We are delighted to welcome Professor Jun Sun to the Web of Conferences editorial board where he will support the areas of biology, life sciences and related subjects. Professor Sun presently holds the prestigious title of ‘Chueng Kong Chair Professor’ at Tianjin University of Science and Technology and is an expert in marine and environmental sciences. He is widely-published and has gained a wealth of experience while working at a number of renowned international institutions including: